Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why and How Did People Eat Pearls in Ancient Times?

People around the world eat some weird and wacky things. Frogs, snakes, or crickets, anyone?

If the creepy-crawlers aren’t giving you an appetite, what about pearls?  “But, aren’t pearls too beautiful and precious to be eaten?”, you might ask. “Aren’t they used to make things like wedding rings, necklaces, or bracelets? Besides, aren’t pearls just too hard and too expensive to use as food?”

Well, you’re partly right. For thousands of years, pearls were just too plain expensive for common people to eat.  Only the most wealthy and powerful few had the privilege to actually consume them.

Yet, believe it or not, in many ancient civilizations, people processed and used pearls in a variety of ways to improve their health, beauty, longevity, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

In ancient China, for example, Taoist masters used ground pearl alchemically to achieve longevity and immortality, while imperial families both ingested pearl powder and applied it externally to partake of the pearl’s numerous benefits.  When taken internally, they believed pearl powder could:

  • Calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mental acuity and focus
  • Enhance memory
  • Promote emotional balance
  • Drive away evil spirits
  • Cleanse liver
  • Improve eyesight
  • Prevent eye degeneration and disease
  • Nourish the kidney and heart
  • Nourish and strengthen bone
  • Whitening and strengthening teeth
  • Nourish and strengthen muscle and speed up muscle recovery
  • Rejuvenate skin and heal skin problems
  • Stop children from crying at night due to fear or disturbances
  • Heal stomach illness
  • Help people live longer and healthier lives
Externally, they also used pearl powder as an ingredient in the following applications:

  1. Facial cream for younger looking skin
  2. Toothpaste/powder for whiter and stronger teeth
  3. Eye drops to promote eye health and better vision
  4. Liniment for wounds, sores, burns or other skin inflammations
But it wasn’t only in China that the ancients used pearl powder.  It’s recorded that in ancient Egypt, Cleopatra drank the vinegar wine with a pearl in it to enhance her beauty and health. Archaeologists have also found that Native Americans considered pearl to have magical healing powers, while Mayan “dentists” used pearl as a tooth filling which grew seamlessly into the existing teeth!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How to reduce pain without the grotesque hair-raising drug side effect

Do you, your friends or family members have pain in your or their life emotionally or physically?

Is pain and grotesque hair-raising drug side effect crippling you or them?

Now you can reduce and eliminate pain in your life without having to putting up with ghastly drug side effect.

I created Pearlcium from an ancient longevity and beauty secret. Pearlcium is made from pure pearl. Pearlcium can reduce inflammation and pain. It can help bring calm and peace to your life. Both ancient medicine books and modern clinical research studies indicate that pearl can reduce emotional, mental and emotional pain. Many Pearlcium users rave about this incredible benefits of Pearlcium.

How do Pearlcium have such stunning ability to ward off pain?

All the pain, such as physical, emotional, or mental pain, occurs because of the energy, matter and communication blockage inside your body.

Pearl signal proteins inside Pearlcium can increase the cellular communication inside your body. The enhanced cellular communication can reduce and eliminate pain and inflammation.

If you want to eliminate pain without the grotesque hair-raising drug side effect, order Pearlcium today  call us at 1-888-275-3570. Your satisfaction is 100% money back guaranteed.

Below I will share a few stories about how Pearlcium has helped people reduce and eliminate their emotional, mental and physical pain. Enjoy and share these stories. Remember sharing is serving. When we serve others, we are serving ourselves.

Best to your health, happiness and longevity,

Rulin Xiu

PS. Start to live a pain free life NOW. Order Pearlcium at or call us at 1-888-275-3570. Your satisfaction is 100% money back guaranteed.

My name is Margaret and I am so excited about being pain free that I just want to tell the world about a Gift-From-God called Pearlcium. I had several bad falls which exacerbated some degeneration that was already there, and really messed up my back.

I loved to walk for physical fitness, I had to stop walking, because my knee was so bad I couldn’t anymore, creaking and cracking; and so painful I could barely get down to and up from the toilet, going down the stairs – could not walk down normally. I had to go one step at a time. I was in so much pain (ALL OVER MY BODY) I couldn’t hold a job. I couldn't sit or stand for more than 15 minutes without having some REAL PAIN, I couldn’t sweep or mop (out of the question); I couldn’t mentally function to carry on my duties as an Administrative Assistant because of the heavy-duty medicines I was taking. I had become an OLD PERSON before my time, walking bent over like and 80-year-old woman with arthritis of the spine; and all my doctors wanted to do was to continually give me medicines (you know that is big business) that kept me high and in a stupor all the time. I was at a point where I could barely drive myself anywhere, the sitting was painful to my back – I would be bent over – all in the windshield like a little old lady (smile) and some of the medicine had caused my feet and hands to become swollen. This was just about two weeks ago. I prayed to God that – if he could not heal me – just give me something to take away the pain and allow me to function (mentally and physically) so that I could have my life back again. And Lo and Behold he sent me a NATURAL PRODUCT MADE FROM THE PEARL CALLED PEARLCIUM – NO MEDICATION – NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Now I can sit at my computer for hours. I can reach out – I am just NOT engulfed in all that pain anymore. I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY – AND SO LITTLE PAIN – I have to slow myself down. I find myself running up the stairs, just jumping in and out of the car – pain free. I really have to slow myself down – it is regenerating – but I know it is not completely regenerated yet. I cannot wait to see what will happen in the next two months of taking this Pearlcium.

Today is April 24, 2009 – it has been two months now and my body is getting stronger by the day. I am back to walking – I can do a 17 minute mile now, with no pain. I feel my back getting stronger and stronger. The knee is almost back to normal all that swelling has almost gone down. I am 59 and look like I am 45 – no kidding. Very seldom do I have sinus headaches any more. I think I could just go on and on, but I will stop for now.

I will keep you updated. I look forward to growing old these days. Thank the Lord for Dr. Xiu – and for sending Pearlcium to me.

Margaret H.

“Gout is a rich man’s disease. Although I am not rich man, I have had lived a good life. I started to work early. I got a good union job and get paid well. I love to live a good life. I like to eat well and drink well. I got gout when I turned 40.

The pain is excruciating when you have gout. You want to chop your foot off. Only people have had gout, know how it feels like. It is very very bad. It is the kind of pain you would never you want to have, or put on your worst enemy. Many times, I have to go to emergency room to get pain killer.

I would have gout flare up 3 to4 times a year. It puts me out of commission, either work or other plans for 7 to 10 days. I can’t do anything.

When I was diagnosed with gout around the age of 40, I really didn’t want to take prescription drugs. They seem to cause more damage than good.

I did some research on gout. They say the best control is to change your diet, which is very hard for me to do. I tried cherry juice and baking soda. However, they seem to take forever to take effect.

About 3 years later, I was introduced to Pearlcium as a product that helps with inflammation and is not a prescription drug.  As a person with gout, you are willing to try anything, so I decided to try Pearlcium. 

I had a gout flare up with my right foot at the time I first received Pearlcium.  After putting Pearlcium directly on my swollen foot, I put on my boot and went to work with a limp and in a lot of pain.  Sometime during the day my foot swelling was reduced and I was walking around without the limp and very little pain.  Later when I went home, I took my boot off without feeling pain and the swelling was gone, no more gout!

 I have not stopped taking Pearlcium since then, it has been 3 years. Well, one time I did when I was away on vacation - I forgot to take it every day and before long I had a flare up with my gout.  Now that I realized why it flared up, I really try to make sure I never miss taking my Pearlcium!”

Jack H.
ST. Louis, MO

“I had been suffering SEVERE depression. I was even suicidal. That is a hard word for me to say and write even now. It's hard to admit that I was thinking those thoughts. The only thing keeping me from following through was my children. I knew that for the rest of their life they would wonder why there mom didn't love them enough to stay around. I couldn't let that happen. I started taking Pearlcium because I also suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Lots of pain and inability to function. That's what I thought it would be helping the most. I had no clue it would help my depression. I was and am still on antidepressants, but they weren't enough. Well, I had been on Pearlcium about six weeks. It was a Saturday night. I was in the shower around 11 pm. I remember I was trying to hurry because I did not want to miss Saturday Night Live (LOL). I suddenly realized I WAS SINGING IN THE SHOWER!!!! I said I WAS SINGING IN THE SHOWER. I had not done that in YEARS. I have not had any suicidal thoughts in a long time. I don't know exactly how or why this pearl is working on that. And frankly, I don't care. I just know it is. I do not know who that person is that was living in this body about six months ago. But I am glad she is gone. I told my dad that if something ever happened to you, Dr. Rulin, that I would move to Japan and live on my own oyster farm, and do what ever it took, including spend my days shucking oysters, to continue putting pearl in my body. I cannot thank you enough for this product.”

Thanks a million.

Sara S.

PS. Start to live pain free, look and feel young again and live a healthier, happier, more beautiful and longer life NOW. Order Pearlcium call us at 1-888-275-3570. Your satisfaction is 100% money back guaranteed.

Monday, October 21, 2013

How to Enjoy Holiday Food and Cleanse Your Body the Same Time this Holiday Season

Stop constipation, cramping, gas, bloating, heartburn and acid reflex this holiday season naturally, safely, easily without drug side effect and without damaging your body

Holiday season is just around the corner. We all have so much to look forward to on the holidays. First thing that comes to my mind is the delicious food. For sure, I am going to satisfy myself taste bud and my stomach to the fullest. How wonderful!

One thing we all need to careful about during this wonderful holiday season is our digestive health and bowel movement.

World renowned holistic healer, author of The Science and Practice of Iridology, Foods That Heal, Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, Dr. Bernard Jensen said:

“Death begins in the Colon”

He stressed that it is absolutely essential for the bowels to move daily and regularly.

Why? Think of your colon as a holding tank for waste matter. This waste should be removed within eighteen to twenty-four hours. Any waste remaining for longer than this can produce harmful antigens and toxins from undigested food and bacteria - which can in turn lead to chronic gas, bloating, migraines, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.

If you release less than 3 to 4 times a week, you have constipation.

Constipation is more than just an agonizing condition. It’s downright hazardous to your health, especially when occasional bouts of constipation become chronic.

Left untreated, constipation can eventually lead to appendicitis, bad breath, body odor, depression, diverticulitis, fatigue, gas, headaches, hemorrhoids (piles), indigestion, insomnia, malabsorption syndrome, obesity, and varicose veins. It may even be involved in the development of serious diseases such as high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, stroke, and even colon cancer.

To have a good life and a beautiful and healthy body, you should take care of your “gut feeling” first.

In his book "Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management", Dr. Bernard Jensen  claimed that over 95% of people he saw in his consultations were constipated.

If you are one of the millions of people suffering from constipation, you need to take action to get it out of your life.

All the laxatives on the market, including what are sold in the health food stores, does not cure constipation. They only temporarily relieve the problem. What makes worse, they all contain one or more of the three chemicals, docussates, bisacodyl, sennosides. They can cause diarrhea and stomach pain. They are not recommended for use of more than a week because your body will develop dependency on it. Your digestive system will become weakened when you use these laxatives on the regular basis.

That is why I created Ibistrol. I developed Ibistrol from an ancient Tibetan formula to help get your colon function regularly.

Ibistrol is all natural. It relieves constipation, cramping, gas, bloating, and stomach pain the natural way, without drugs, without causing diarrhea. Gentle, dependable, yet fast and effective, it never catches you off-guard.
Ibistrol does not cause diarrhea, stomach pain or any harmful effect. Not only it does not cause dependency and weakens your body, it can actually strengthen your digestive health so that after a while you don’t need it any longer.

In addition, when you take Ibistrol for 3 months or more, it can help you detoxify your body, support your healthier cholesterol levels and body weight.

In a double blind, placebo-controlled study, Ibistrol is shown to have more than 93% efficacy to relieve constipation, cramping, gas, bloating, and heartburn. It has no known serious side effects.

Depending upon the condition, you can feel the improvement in your bowel function within a few hours to a few days.
Ibistrol has helped thousands of people get off the detrimental laxatives and restore their bowel function and digestive health. Get your bowel function regularly now. Order Ibistrol NOW for yourself, family and friends.

Here is some people’s experience about Ibistrol:

"For as long as I remember I have suffered from Lazy Bowel Syndrome which meant that I was always constipated. Even though I ate foods high in fiber, drank liters of water - this just wasn't enough for regular bowel movements.

Invariably, I would need to take laxatives which depleted my system and made matters worse. I have regular colon cleansing and this helps. My daughter who is a naturopath told me about Ibistrol and as it isn't available in Australia I ordered it on the internet.  I have been using Ibistrol for about 4 months now and it has made me feel so much better. My skin is healthier and I don't have the black bags under my eyes. I regularly use my bowels and have decreased my dosage from 9 tablets a day to 3. Whilst this product acts as a laxative, it does not produce any of the side effects."

Frances Templestowe, Vic. Australia

“For months I had been taking a laxative every night.  I became quite concerned.  When I discovered Ibistrol, I started with the maximum dosage listed on the bottle.  After about three weeks I tapered down to the minimum amount recommended. Works Great!”

Hazel D from California

"Aloha, my name is Sheila Novack. I am 49 years old from Detroit, Michigan. I have had a hectic lifestyle that affected my eating habits. I never had enough fiber or those good high fiber foods such as bran. My body would continue to be plugged up until I got milk of magnesia. Its big affect was a big uncomfortable relief that cramped my stomach and often would cause diarrhea. I always needed it 2 to 3 times weekly to make sure I went regularly. 21 years later, my son introduced me to Ibistrol. At first, I was hesitant because it took a few days for results, but when it did I had such great movements sometimes 3 times daily. The waste was always nice and soft and easy to dispose. When I would clean myself most of the time there was nothing there - it was totally clean. Ibistrol works for me I love it. I keep it right next to my vitamins. It’s a good feeling to know that I have it to keep myself healthy and waste-free. I only use Ibistrol now. No more milk of magnesia!!!!"

Sheila N, From Detroit, Michigan

Please share this information with your friends and colleagues. Spreading the message of natural healing.

Yes, your can heal yourself and help others heal naturally!

Best to your health, longevity and well-being,

Rulin Xiu, Ph.D
PS. Order Ibistrol today for yourself, family members and friends this Holiday season so that you can all enjoy this holiday season to the fullest and stay healthy and slim

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Parent's 15 years of drug free lives

At the age of 77 and 83 years old, my mom and dad still enjoy healthy blood pressure as well as healthy cholesterol levels. But they were not as healthy as they are now more than fifteen years ago.

Fifteen years ago, both of my parents were on high blood pressure medications. Their doctors were also asking them to take Lipitor to control their high cholesterol levels. Suffering from the side effects from their blood pressure medications, they were trying their best to avoid having to take medications for healthy cholesterol levels.

Then came my creation of Holistrol and Ibistrol.

As most parents, my parents are my biggest supporters and believer, even at the time I wasn’t sure myself.

They took Holistrol and Ibistrol as I told them faithfully.

Within 3 months, their cholesterol levels became healthy.

They were off their high blood pressure medications gradually. After one year, their blood pressures were so healthy that they were not only off their high blood pressure medications and they were also off my own products, Holistrol.

Until today, my dad’s blood pressure has stayed so healthy and he has been so confident about it that he hardly checks it.

Having a family history of high blood pressure, my mom checks her blood pressure everyday to make sure that she gets her blood pressure in the range of 115/75 with the occasional help from Holistrol.

This summer my parents visited me in Hawaii, I joked with them that I would be completely satisfied even if all Holistrol and Ibistrol have done is to save them from the horrible medications and enable them to live a healthy and drug free life.

During their visit this year, my parents learned how to open their own coconuts with a mashedi knife. I love to see the joy when they opened their first coconut with mashedi.

They also went with my sister’s family and me on a 10 day camping and hiking trip in Oregon and California. They truly enjoyed every moment of the trip like little kids.

I treasure every moment like this with my parents. I realize I need to thank Holistrol and Ibistrol for each precious moment like this. Without them, my parents would be still on the medications and are suffering from the side effects. After 15 years, their health would surely not allow them to go on a trip like this and enjoy their lives as much as they do now.

I don’t want to even think what would have happened to them if they hadn’t had Holistrol or Ibistrol in their lives. For sure,  they wouldn’t be able to enjoy Hawaii, body surfing, hiking, canoeing, camping with us as they do now.

Pearlcium is the only product my parents are still faithfully taking everyday and grow younger everyday with it.

To have my parents live healthier and longer is a blessing beyond word everyday. I only wish all the parents are as fortunate as my parents and live a healthier and younger life. I hope you are as fortunate as me to have healthy and active parents enjoy life with you.

Holistrol maintains healthy blood pressure, elastic artery, better blood flow, and reduce stress and the effect of the stress on your body.

Pearlcium rejuvenates and maintains your youthful skin, bone, joint, eye sight, whiter and stronger teeth, better memory, better brain function and less stress, better mood, better sleep, and better heart, liver and kidney functions.

Ibistrol relieves constipation, stomach pain, cramping, acid reflex, bloating, and gas, maintains healthy digestive function, releases toxins, and promotes healthy body weight and cholesterols, reduce blood clot and promote blood flow. To order Ibistrol, please Click Here.

To find out more info about Holistrol, the best natural remedy for healthy blood pressure, please visit
You can always call us at 1-888-275-3570 or 1-707-304-5670 to place an order.