Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Parent's 15 years of drug free lives

At the age of 77 and 83 years old, my mom and dad still enjoy healthy blood pressure as well as healthy cholesterol levels. But they were not as healthy as they are now more than fifteen years ago.

Fifteen years ago, both of my parents were on high blood pressure medications. Their doctors were also asking them to take Lipitor to control their high cholesterol levels. Suffering from the side effects from their blood pressure medications, they were trying their best to avoid having to take medications for healthy cholesterol levels.

Then came my creation of Holistrol and Ibistrol.

As most parents, my parents are my biggest supporters and believer, even at the time I wasn’t sure myself.

They took Holistrol and Ibistrol as I told them faithfully.

Within 3 months, their cholesterol levels became healthy.

They were off their high blood pressure medications gradually. After one year, their blood pressures were so healthy that they were not only off their high blood pressure medications and they were also off my own products, Holistrol.

Until today, my dad’s blood pressure has stayed so healthy and he has been so confident about it that he hardly checks it.

Having a family history of high blood pressure, my mom checks her blood pressure everyday to make sure that she gets her blood pressure in the range of 115/75 with the occasional help from Holistrol.

This summer my parents visited me in Hawaii, I joked with them that I would be completely satisfied even if all Holistrol and Ibistrol have done is to save them from the horrible medications and enable them to live a healthy and drug free life.

During their visit this year, my parents learned how to open their own coconuts with a mashedi knife. I love to see the joy when they opened their first coconut with mashedi.

They also went with my sister’s family and me on a 10 day camping and hiking trip in Oregon and California. They truly enjoyed every moment of the trip like little kids.

I treasure every moment like this with my parents. I realize I need to thank Holistrol and Ibistrol for each precious moment like this. Without them, my parents would be still on the medications and are suffering from the side effects. After 15 years, their health would surely not allow them to go on a trip like this and enjoy their lives as much as they do now.

I don’t want to even think what would have happened to them if they hadn’t had Holistrol or Ibistrol in their lives. For sure,  they wouldn’t be able to enjoy Hawaii, body surfing, hiking, canoeing, camping with us as they do now.

Pearlcium is the only product my parents are still faithfully taking everyday and grow younger everyday with it.

To have my parents live healthier and longer is a blessing beyond word everyday. I only wish all the parents are as fortunate as my parents and live a healthier and younger life. I hope you are as fortunate as me to have healthy and active parents enjoy life with you.

Holistrol maintains healthy blood pressure, elastic artery, better blood flow, and reduce stress and the effect of the stress on your body.

Pearlcium rejuvenates and maintains your youthful skin, bone, joint, eye sight, whiter and stronger teeth, better memory, better brain function and less stress, better mood, better sleep, and better heart, liver and kidney functions.

Ibistrol relieves constipation, stomach pain, cramping, acid reflex, bloating, and gas, maintains healthy digestive function, releases toxins, and promotes healthy body weight and cholesterols, reduce blood clot and promote blood flow. To order Ibistrol, please Click Here.

To find out more info about Holistrol, the best natural remedy for healthy blood pressure, please visit
You can always call us at 1-888-275-3570 or 1-707-304-5670 to place an order.