Thursday, October 3, 2013

Can herbs heal your mind?

Dear loved ones, 
We all know by now how important our mind is. Our mind greatly affects what happens in our reality. Our mind shapes our health, our relationships, our finance, our wellbeing, our environment, our career, our intelligence, and more. The negative mind set, negative attitude, negative belief system, ego and attachment unavoidably limits the magnificent, powerful, loving, and joyous being that is within each one of us.
Many spiritual and religious practices are to train our mind and to transcend the limitation of our mind. For example, Buddha teaching and yoga practice are some of the practices to train our mind. It usually takes many years of dedicated and disciplined practice to make progress in removing some of the negative mind set, negative belief system, negative attitude, ego and attachment. To completely remove mental blockages and become a Buddha or a Yogi, it takes many life times for most people.
I am glad to share with you that herbs can also help you improve and uplift your mental state and therefore improve every aspect of your life.
Taoists use Pearl in China for thousands of years for improving and uplifting their mental state. Taoists are famous in Chinese history for their longevity and achieving immortality.  Imperial families for mental peace, good sleep, less anxiety and stress, longevity, youth, and beauty, had also used Pearl. Since the beginning of the human history, people have realized that pearl represents higher consciousness and have paid high price for it. Intaking pearl is one of the most effective ways to achieve higher consciousness and mental state.
The special holly leaf tea extract inside Holistrol is used by indigenous people in southern China for achieving peaceful, alert, and higher conscious mental state. I have visited the area where we collect our holly leaf. It is the most beautiful, tranquil, and purest places I have ever been to. It is no wonder that the holly leaf tea grows in the area can help improve our mental health and control our healthy blood pressure.
Another important element for uplifting mental state is to improve energy flow. If energy is stagnant, it won’t be possible to achieve higher mental state. Yoga practice is one of the best ways to improve energy flow and removing stagnant energy, thus improve our mental state.
Both Pearlcium and Holistrol are very effective for enhancing blood circulation and flow. They can help reduce blood clot, reduce cholesterol, and make blood flow more smoothly and easily.
Let Pearlcium and Holistrol uplift your mind to a high level. Let them help you transform every aspect of your life.

Best to your health, youth, beauty and bliss,

Blood Pressure Medicines, Watch Out For The Side Effects

Many people have to choose prescription anti-hypertensive medication to control high blood pressure. However, you need to be aware that high blood pressure medication can affect body functions, resulting in bad side effects and seriously damage your body in the long run.

Jay Allen in California have had blood pressure over 140/90 since the mid 1970's.In the past few months his blood pressure started to soar to the 155/100+ range. In reaction, his physician has been prescribing more and more drugs to control it. Jay said: “I was also beginning to feel like a walking zombie from the obvious side effects.” About a month ago, Jay collapsed in the gym while working out from the effects of one of the drugs.

At the age 81, Richard A. has been taking blood pressure medication for about 20 years. Lately he was told by his doctor that his kidney is failing him. . He then checked the print on his prescription and it read “kidney damage” as a side effect.

The partial list of high blood pressure drug side effects include: impotence, muscle and joint pain, anemia, dermatitis, insomnia, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, rash, kidney stones, liver and kidney damage,  irregular heartbeat, depression, swelling of legs or ankles as well as other serious conditions.

Side effects of the blood pressure medicine can not only affect your quality of life, it can also cause long term damage to your body. In the long run, high blood pressure medicine can lead to loss of vision, damage to your heart functions, liver and kidney failure, loss of memory and brain functions, and more.

Some people may not notice any side effects at the beginning. However, after a while, people start to notice the increased negative impact to their body, health and well-being. The side effects can be silent for many years until the serious damage to your body has already been done. This is because the hypertension medicine causes imbalance in your body and its damaging effects accumulate and become more noticeable with time.

If you are taking diuretics, be aware that diuretics can drain your body’s supply of the mineral called potassium. This can lead to possible side effects, such as, leg cramps or tiredness. You may need to take potassium supplement to replenish your body with this mineral.

Hypertensive medication does not cure high blood pressure. It is a bandage that only temporarily keeps it at the safe level. If one stops taking medication, one’s blood pressure will go up the very next day. In order to keep it in the healthy range, one needs to take it everyday for the rest of one’s life. Quite often, after a while, the chosen medication stops working. Doctors have to prescribe different or more medications which may cause even more damage to one’s body, health and well-being.

The best way to get high blood pressure under control is through life style changes, such as do meditation, breathing practice, or exercises. Effective natural remedies are also available to help people support their healthy blood pressure without side effect. Some of these natural remedies can work well with medications. In the cases of Jay and Richard, both of them started to search for better solutions and found that they can get their blood pressure under healthy range naturally and easily with only good side effects.

When you start to pay attention to and take responsibility for your body and health, your high blood pressure can be taken under control without having to suffer from bad side effects and taking long term health risks.

10 Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally


What to Do About High Blood Pressure the "Silent Killer"

The Silent Killer

According to recent estimates, one in three US adults has high blood pressure.  And alarmingly, nearly one-third of these people are unaware they have it because there are no symptoms. Only one third of people with high blood pressure take action to get their blood pressure under control.  People with uncontrolled high blood pressure are:

  • Three times more likely to develop coronary heart disease.
  • Six times more likely to develop congestive heart failure.
  • Seven times more likely to have a stroke.

That’s why high blood pressure is often called the “silent killer.”

Side Effects of Hypertension Medication

Many people must choose prescription anti-hypertensive medication to control high blood pressure—traditionally trained doctors often offer no alternative. The partial list of drug side effects include: impotence, severe muscle and joint pain, anemia, dermatitis, insomnia, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, rash, kidney stones, irregular heartbeat, swelling of legs or ankles as well as other serious conditions.

While you should always follow the advice of your physician, it is also advisable to take a balanced approach to controlling blood pressure.  Your mind and body work together, so it only makes sense to take both into account when considering any aspect of your physical health.  And remember, your heart is more than just an organ—it’s part and parcel of your emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.

Obtain Healthy Blood Pressure Naturally

Using prescription drug medications can have harmful side effects, so here are 10 ways to obtain healthy blood pressure naturally and with plenty of other good side effects.

1) Laugh 15 Minutes Every Day—and Smile as Much as Possible Too
The old saying goes that “laughter is the best medicine”, and there is actually scientific evidence to support that.  Laughing and smiling does not only bring joy to you and others, it can also open up your arteries, improve your blood flow, relax your nervous system, and improve your blood pressure.

2) Exercise, or Even Just Walk Your Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure
Taking a walk in nature everyday is one of the best ways to keep yourself balanced spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Doing mild to moderate exercises will also help with your blood pressure. Be sure to make this a relaxing time—worrying that you didn't push yourself hard enough can offset the gain of any workout.

3) Pet Your Pets
Playing with your pets will help you relax and release tension and improve your healthy blood pressure instantly. If you don’t have your own pets, feel free to borrow a friend’s or neighbor’s.  They work just as well!

4) Loving Relationships Love Your Heart
Loving relationships, and giving love to others without expectations and attachment, helps release tension within your own body and improve your blood pressure.

5) Bathe Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure
A warm bath can relax your nervous system, open up your arteries, improve your blood flow and help improve your blood pressure. Be sure that the water is not too hot.  Moderation is the key to healing relaxation.

6)  Food for Your Stomach…and Heart
Many foods can help improve your blood pressure. Garlic, celery, carrot, daikon, ginger, vinegar and many other food ingredients can help reduce your blood pressure. And remember to keep down your salt intake.

7) Herbs Aren’t Just for Cooking
Many herbs can help improve blood pressure effectively. So far, some of the most effective herbs found for improving blood pressure include Hainan Holly leaf, hawthorn fruit, daikon seed, and pearl powder ( Holistrol ( is one of the very few natural remedies that are clinically tested to be effective for improving healthy blood pressure naturally, quickly, safely and easily. Using herbs for healthy blood pressure may be better than medication because they have long lasting effects with fewer side-effects. In the clinical study on Holistrol, 9 out of 10 people taking Holistrol get their blood pressure under healthier range. Even after people stop taking Holistrol for one month, their blood pressure still remains healthy.

8) Breathe in Deeply.  Breathe Out High Blood Pressure.
On average, people breathe 10 times in a minute. If you purposely pay attention to your breathing and make it long and deep, you can breathe 2 to 4 times a minute. Long and deep breathing will help you relieve tension, stress and anxiety. It will not only help lower your blood pressure, it will also improve your overall health and well-being by expunging toxins from your body and circulating lymphatic fluid to improve immune functions.

9) Mind Over Body Meditation
Meditation is good for the prevention and curing all illnesses. While some people think meditation is difficult, this is simply a common misconception. Meditation is simply making yourself comfortable and then turning your attention inward on yourself.  And you don’t need any complicated techniques to meditate either.  You can start as simply as breathing deeply in and out 20 times in a row while you count your breaths and focus completely on the breath while clearing your mind of everything else.  Even this simple meditation will not only help improve your blood pressure but every part of your life.

10) Songs You Can Take to Heart
Listen to soothing music can help relieve stress and anxiety and improve blood pressure.
Singing is a great way to improve your blood pressure. Like walking and exercise, singing can help calm nervous system and improve blood flow. Singing a soft melody is especially beneficial.